Indian Army Chief MM Naravane on Thursday sent a WhatsApp notification request called ASIGMA to exchange domestic letters. ASIGMA Application will fulfill all "Essential Army Requirements" with straight UI. ASIGMA stands for Army Secure Indigenous Messaging Application. The application is completely developed by a group of army officers. The Post PIB (Press Information Bureau) is accused of sending requests on Army Internal Network instead of Army Wide Area Network (AWAN) information app. The Army Wide Area Network (AWAN) information request has been helpful for over 15 years. That being said, the app will not be available for the standard App Store. The ASIGMA application is hosted on military equipment and supports lifelong future realization. The Indian Army has reported sending an internal WhatsApp notification application called ASIGMA (Army Secure Indigenous Messaging Application) which is another generation age application. The app will provide a secure notification ne...
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