Moxie Marlinspike, co-founder and CEO of encrypted messaging app Signal, has stepped down. After working for more than a decade at Signal, he wrote on his blog that "it's a good time to replace me as CEO." Signal recently enabled in-app crypto payments, which has worried some users. Marlinspike will continue to serve on the Signal Foundation board, while Executive Board Chairman Brian Acton will serve as interim CEO. Mr Marlinspike whose real name is Matthew Rosenfeld, said on his blog that he always expected Signal to "grow and catch up" without his involvement. "I wrote all the Android code, all the server code, I was the only person who needed to use the service, I facilitated all the product development, and I managed all of it," he wrote. Signal - Instant Messaging Apps Signal is currently used by over 40 million people. The app's popularity grew after some users switched due to a planned change in WhatsApp's privacy policy. Signal is fr...
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